Roses have more varieties. In rose business variety of rose and Production of quality are important to win in international flower market and roses have first rank in popularity. Roses have multiple usage depending on species and varieties.

Major Producers of Rose in India

Rose is mostly produce in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and West Bengal.

Planting Process of Rose in Greenhouse

Roses are planting in october to december month in greenhouse. Most of the 1 year-old budded rose plants having at least 3 to 4 canes, They are suitable for greenhouse production. Rose planting should be done in two row system and optimum planting density should be 7 to 14 plants/sq.m. For good health rose fertilizer should be use, it also play important role for increase the yield. Another method of increasing rose flower yield is by burning of saw-dust during winter months in the morning time (6 to 10 am) and it is also provide good quality.

After Harvesting

After cutting, the stem ends should be dipped in 200 to 500 ppm aluminium sulphate or citric acid and placed in cold storage @ 10°C till grading. Plant stem ends should be re-cut, bunched in 20’s and placed in preservative solution of sucrose up to 2 percent.

Farming Marketing

Roses have demand in every season and also good demand both in domestic & foreign market.