Management Technique

Maximize the crop productivity is mostly depend on the water for that different water management technologies ar used and several approaches are available to improve the water management technology but we required the smart technology for achieve the 100% crop productivity and increase the economic productivity of water. Here we provide the information about the watercourse lining and water harvesting farming system, these technique are useful for satisfied water requirement.


Watercourse lining use for increasing the efficiency of irrigation system. In the watercourse lining water is stored into one main canal. It is automatically control for increasing the flexibility of irrigation system. The canal divided into four pool and supplies water to farms. It's cover the 5154 hectare area and used the ultrasonic sensor and pressure transducer for record the gate opening and water level at the upstream and downstream end of every canal pool. By using the watercourse lining various irrigation methods are implemented. Is the conveyance efficiency of irrigation water and conserve water. It is also helpful for reduce illegal water diversion, provide smooth surface and save cultivable area from wider section of watercourse. One of the advantage is reduction in time to fill reaches of a watercourse, leading to increased time for field application. for more details contact with expert.

Water harvesting is implemente in uncultivated area. It is useful for rainfed farming because there natural rainfall is only marginally sufficient. The method of implementing water harvesting is simple, the rainfall runoff water from uncultivated contributing area is collected and diverted to infiltrate in adjacent cropped recipient areas. It is directly productive form of water and soil conservation. In this system water is flow to lower lands in a manner that no soil erosion is happen. Vegetative type and slope are important factors for rainwater harvesting and storage. Vegetated water ways used to carry discharge for farm pond. Distribution pumps and pipes are required to supply the water to where it is needed on farm. In short it is the process or technique of collecting, storing and using rainwater for irrigation and for various other purposes. for more information about water harvesting farming system please contact with expert.

rainwater storage farm pond.

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